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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Johnson Cattle Marketing - Adam / Triple S Ranches Partnership Complete Dispersal Sale

Posted by: chestergood [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $250.00
City: North Bend [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 541-751-9243

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A beautiful set of oxbow stirrups by Danny Pollard of Merkel Texas. Danny has been in business since 1989 & his work is featured in many books and western magazines. The oxbow neck is 3" Tread is 1" awidth 5". Danny’s work is featured at the Southwestern Cattle Raisers Museum and at the Fort Worth Museum of Science & History and also in over 16 Magazines like Western Horseman, American Cowboy an Cowboy Magazines. He makes awards for Red Stegall’s cowboy gathering and the Western Hertigage classic Postage will be paid by buyer $13.75 and they will be shipped priorty mail

Posted 03-11-18
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