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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 60 - Corriente Pairs & Heavy Breds - Texas SOLD #80775
Posted by: bradshawhay [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $850.00
City: Lipan [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 60
Age Cows: 4-8
Weight Cows: 850
Bred Back To: Beef & Corriente Bulls
# of Calves at Side: 30
Breed Calves at Side: Beef or Corriente
Age Calves at Side: 1-4 Months
Weight Calves at Side: 300 Ave.
Sell Part or All: Either
Phone #: 817-771-9073

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Check out this awesome selection of exceptional Corriente cows to add to your herd. A very nice, reasonable offering of purebred corriente cows available during a time that we’ve experienced a higher demand & increased popularity within the industry not only for roping purposes, but to also cross on beef bulls for a cheaper investment.

This set of cattle includes 60 HEAD of cows. All cows will either (1) have a calf at their side or (2) be heavy bred & expected to calve any day.

30 calves on the ground NOW & half of these calves are of weaning age. You’ll find half of the calves to be by beef bulls & half by purebred corriente bulls. These are framey, strong calves in excellent flesh & will be solid & hearty with the strength to make ideal roping cattle that can hold up & stand out.

Cows are proven & raise healthy calves with no complications. Corriente cows have no longhorn lineage. As seen in pictures, all cows are solid colored with the majority being black. 13 head of fresh, ready to rope heifers in pictures not included in this offering, but available for purchase. Spotted cows also available. Video clip can also be sent of cows.

These cows will follow the feed truck across the country if you let them. We have not had any issues keeping them in or jumping fences. Gathering, sorting & turning out are problem-free. Cows are running with beef & Corriente bulls.

Price: $850 PER COW (With calf or heavy bred)

Located in Lipan, TX.

Facilities & mobile veterinarian available at buyers expense.

Shipping also available.

Direct all inquiries by private message or call/text Troy Bradshaw at (817) 771-9073

**Note: Pictures current, taken 9/14/17.

Posted 09-15-17
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