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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 17 - Registered Corriente Cows - North Dakota SOLD #77829
Posted by: codyf96 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Contact for Price
City: mandan [see other ads in this city]
State: North Dakota [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 18
Age Cows: 4
Weight Cows: 1000
Bred Back To: corriente
# of Calves at Side: 7
Breed Calves at Side: corriente
Sell Part or All: all
Phone #: 701-400-7067

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17 cows total and 1 registered Bull

13 registered black Corriente cows I raised.

1 red and 2 brown cows that I bought as ropers.

1 spotted cow

of the 11 cows there is 7 pairs. Everything sells bred to Registered 3 year old Corriente bull, turned him out June 1st. All the cows will be having their 3rd calf this spring. no issues of any kind with any of the cows, no fence crawlers, good tame cake broke cows and bull.

7 pairs

10 bred cows

Call or text Cody 701-400-7067

I sold 60+ cows last year and kept this group back to raise my own ropers, no rain here (.25" all year) no hay, just decided to get rid of the rest and then I dont have to worry about where the hell I am going to buy hay from!!

Posted 07-11-17
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