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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Businesses for Sale: Livestock Auction Barn For Sale - Oklahoma SOLD #68413
Posted by: Ghcocan [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $350,000.00
City: Prague [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Years Established: 1
Currently Operating: No
Gross Sales: 1,000,000
Cash Flow: Yes
Employees: 10
Inventory: None
Owner Financing: Possible
Phone #: 940-389-4519

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Prague Stockyards located in Prague, Oklahoma. Set up to sell cattle, sheep goats, sheep, hogs, and horses. One of the only hog approved sales in the state. Averaged 100-150 head sale with no out pushing, as big as 550 and as small as 50head. We live 3 hours from barn or would not consider selling.


*15,000lbs scales

*year old XL Cadilac squeeze chute

*8 big precon traps

*covered vet shack

*office, restaurant, living quarters, full bathrooms

*17.5 acres total with room to grow

*101597 S Hwy 99 Prague, Oklahoma

Call or text with any questions. 940-389-4519

Posted 11-28-16
38981 visitors have viewed this ad

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