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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Johnson Cattle Marketing - Adam / Triple S Ranches Partnership Complete Dispersal Sale

Horses For Sale: Bomb Proof 14H Mare - Awesome Ranch Horse - Turn Back SOLD #68286
Posted by: KRJ2012 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $5,500.00
City: Cleburne [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 2005
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Mare
Height: 14 Hands
Color: Sorrel
Disciplines: Cutting,Roping,Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,All Around,
Phone#: 817-247-8574

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Bailey is the coolest little mare ever. She’s gentle for anyone to ride. She has a fabulous handle and neck reins, will spin, move off your leg, side pass, carry her head below the saddle horn, pick up her leads, lope slow circles and drag her butt. She was originally in cutting training. Her owner died and his family quit paying the training bill on her so the trainer ended up with her and she was sold with no papers. She’s impeccably well bred with Peptoboonsmal on the top and Colonel Freckles on the bottom and even though there are no papers with her the good genetics shine through. The trainer kept her for a long time and used her as a turn back horse and his go to ranch horse. He could put anyone on her that doesn’t know how to ride and she babysat them.

She then was sold to a ranching family for their 10 yr old grandson and he rode her to gather, scout for strays, drag calves to the fire, check fences and windmills and help load trucks. She’s the one they put the kids on ride because they knew she would take care of them. The wife used her for Ranch Sorting and won money on her frequently.

She’s awesome to take on a trail ride. She’ll ride in a group or go out alone. She’s been ridden in all kinds of terrain including through thick brush, up and down hills, through water and over logs and bridges.

She’s been ridden in the arena here and has tracked and roped the dummy and live steers both. She would make a jam up calf or heel horse. The kids ride her to help gather our roping steers. They also ride her in the alley to keep the steers pushed up when we’re roping. We use her to gather horses out of the pasture and to work young horses in the round pen. You can pop a bullwhip on her and drive the colts and she never gets silly.

The sky is the limit with this little mare. Don’t miss her if you need a small horse that’s really broke and is safe for all.

Bailey doesn’t have any bad habits or vices. She stands for the farrier, ties, clips, bathes, loads and hauls.

Please call or text 817-247-8574 anytime.

Posted 11-24-16
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Johnson Cattle Marketing - Adam / Triple S Ranches Partnership Complete Dispersal Sale

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