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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Handmade Bits & Spurs for Sale: Visalia Humane Bit Fully Rigged SOLD #66158
Posted by: Lakota77 [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Excellent
Price: $575.00
City: Parker County [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Maker: Visalia
Phone #: 817-897-6462
Type: Bits

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SALE PENDING -A great setup- spiff the bit as desired ...sterling silver overlay ? - all the leather is supple and ready for use- NO damage or "issues"- just clean and spiff

the "inside" where the mouthpiece meets the outer ridge - shows the Visalia markings, again - on each side

" Jones Leather Mfg - Turlock Ca " is marked on the bridle

US Postal money orders ship in 48 hours - checks must clear
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