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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Ranches For Sale: 125 Head - Quarter Circle Diamond - Oregon SOLD #6113
Posted by: Agrilands [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1,750,000.00
City: Condon [see other ads in this city]
State: Oregon [see other ads in this state]
Carrying Capacity Cows: 125 head
Deeded Acres: 6,148 +/-
State Lease Acres: 40 +/-
BLM Lease Acres: 680 +/-
Farm Ground: 1,078 +/-
Phone #: 208-761-9553 or 541-473-3100

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5,055+/- range land

1,078+/- dry farm – 102+/- CRP

15+/- farmstead

111 AUM’s, BLM - 680 +/- acres, state – 40 +/- acres

Quarter Circle Diamond Ranch is located approximately 12 miles north of the small community of Condon, Oregon. Pendleton…approximately 120 miles to the northeast…Portland and Willamette Valley, about 130 miles to the northwest. The area is noted for its wind power generation, farming, livestock production, wildlife, fishery and recreation. Quarter Circle Diamond deeded lands offer 19 potential wind power sites, a working livestock and dry farming operation, commercial or private big game and sporting birds: proximity to the Columbia River offers fishery and water sports.

The ranch is accessed by 8 miles of gravel road from Highway 19. There is no public access through or on the ranch. Headquarters are private and located approximately 3 miles inside the entrance gate.

There are currently 6 producing wind generation projects in Gilliam County. The Quarter Circle Diamond is strategically positioned between two power generation projects and also holds claim to the highest ridges in the county. The Seller has recently entered into a lease agreement with AES Wind Generation to begin an environmental impact study for 19 wind turbines to be located on the ranch. AES estimates installation will begin within two to five years. Income generated by such lease will be substantial and details will be fully disclosed to any qualified prospect. Seller wishes to retain sixty percent of income generated by the energy production while a new owner will retain forty percent. It is estimated the cap rate on the asking price will net a new owner approximately eight percent for the first ten years and approximately ten percent thereafter. Not too bad for a unique lifestyle ranch that can also put a little beef, venison, elk and wild fowl on the dinner table.The ranch is conservatively rated at 125 animal units on a year round basis with the owner currently buying all hay for winter feed Approximately 1 ½ ton is required for a mature cow. The approximate 1078 acres of farm ground is using a rotation where 1/3 is summer fallowed each year. Wheat averages 37 bu., spring barely 35 bu. and spring oats approximately 40 bu. All farming is contracted on a custom basis. Cattle utilize the stubble for fall and early winter pasture.

Most cattle are black /bred to black bulls. Cows are bred to begin calving January 1st with a targeted 60 day calving season. September 15, 2009 steer calves averaged 552#s. The same steers sold averaging 855# on 1/15/10…heifers 830#. The overall herd is definitely one of the best set of working cattle in the country. The cows will average in the low 1100’s in their working clothes; wean in excess of a 92% calf crop.

The ranch is fenced into seven separate pastures with a rest rotation program determined by the owners. Stock water is provided by two streams, several springs and tanks. Annual precipitation averages between 12” – 14”.

The above is done with a pick up, 5th wheel stock trailer, tractor with loader, horses, 3 dogs and a special husband/wife team.

Livestock and equipment are not included in the listing price. Such may be purchased at private treaty at time of closing. There will be approximately 100 solid mouth cows and 6 breeding age bulls. The ranch is currently leased for deer, chukar and quail hunting on a yearly basis. The numbers and time of hunting is very restricted, thus allowing ample time and opportunity for the owners and their immediate family members to harvest birds and game animals at their pleasure. In years past the owners provided a commercial guiding business but have since let the clientele hunt on their own with restrictions of where they can hunt and numbers harvested.

The wildlife compliments the three-way package for any new Buyer. The deeded acreage currently provides for 5 Land-Owner-Preference hunting tags for deer and elk. Chukar and quail licensing is not restricted. The ranch can continue to provide hunter revenue or be used solely for enjoyment by a new owner.

California Big Horn Sheep are also found on the ranch but hunting is not permitted. Known ranch history of previous owners, Indians, wildlife, geology and livestock will also be of interest to any new owner.The ranch is currently leased for deer, chukar and quail hunting on a yearly basis. The numbers and time of hunting is very restricted, thus allowing ample time and opportunity for the owners and their immediate family members to harvest birds and game animals at their pleasure. In years past the owners provided a commercial guiding business but have since let the clientele hunt on their own with restrictions of where they can hunt and numbers harvested.

The wildlife compliments the three-way package for any new Buyer. The deeded acreage currently provides for 5 Land-Owner-Preference hunting tags for deer and elk. Chukar and quail licensing is not restricted. The ranch can continue to provide hunter revenue or be used solely for enjoyment by a new owner.

California Big Horn Sheep are also found on the ranch but hunting is not permitted. Known ranch history of previous owners, Indians, wildlife, geology and livestock will also be of interest to any new owner.

Rae Anderson 208-761-9553

Jack Horton 541-473-3100

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