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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Horses For Sale: 08’ Son Smooth As A Cat SOLD #55276
Posted by: HCH [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $35,000.00
City: PERU [see other ads in this city]
State: Indiana [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 2008
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Stallion
Color: Roan
Registered With: AQHA
Disciplines: Cutting,
Phone#: 931-249-0310

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2008 Own son Smooth As A Cat $474,325.37 / out of Swingin Cash Five $3,140.62 - Smoothy has had very limited showing - open horse - eligible for all classes ($1368 ncha earning)
Smooth As A Cat
High Brow Cat High Brow Hickory
Smarty Little Kitty
Shes Pretty Smooth Wheeling Pep
Smooth Hickory
Swingin Cash Five
Justa Swinging Peppy Peppy San Badger
Special Medicine
Fives N Cash Preferred Monkey
Fives Hermana
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