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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Cody Wyoming's Best of the Rockies Horse Sale - May 9-10, 2025

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Ranch/Farm Job SOLD #54769
Posted by: farmerboy949 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Saluda [see other ads in this city]
State: South Carolina [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: yes
Exp. Horse: some
Exp. Doctoring: some
Exp. Calving: yes
Exp. Haying: yes
Room And Board: yes
Phone#: 620-200-8248

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Hi my name is Dakota Caughman.

I am 20yo and looking for a ranch/farm job. I have been farming and around cattle all my life. I also worked on a cattle farm for 5 years.

I can tag, band, ralgro, worm, vaccinate, move, sort and check for sickness in cattle, cut hay, rake hay, plow, plant, repair/build net, barbed, electric fences, equipment/truck maintence, some combine experience, some silage cutting experience, haul cattle, haul hay, haul silage. I have a class A CDL with 2 years exp. I am a quick learner. Willing to relocate.

Posted 01-06-16
4419 visitors have viewed this ad

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