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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Southern Belle Classic

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Horse & Ranch Caretakers with RV - Arizona #193555
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Posted by: marie [see other ads by this poster]
City: Elgin [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Horse/ranch caretaker
Salary: DOE
Phone #: 520-455-9246

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Position opening up for Spring in the mountains of Southern AZ. Think cooler than Phoenix or Tucson. EXPERIENCED horse caretaker(s) wanted. Will consider single or couple. Part time work 20-25 hrs/wk feeding, manure removal, etc for equines and smaller animals. No riding involved. You’ll need to be able to recognize illness, lameness, etc and perform basic first aid for equines. Owner has to work to be able to pay someone, so we are seeking only folks with EXPERIENCE as there is no one to train beyond the job specifics. Heavy lifting, working outside necessary. We are at 5200 ft altitude, and it’s hard work, so please be realistic with physical abilities. It’s a long way to travel to realize after 2 days this is not the work for you. Nonsmokers only as we are in a high risk fire area. Also work cleaning an occasionally rented AirBnB next door. Lots of work in the community also. Work here is 2 hrs AM and PM for one person, possibility of additional hours/projects depending upon what someone can do. Owner helps when here but also works off-site, hence why whomever is here will need to have the full skills to work independently. Watching YouTube is not our idea of "experiences"!! We have full RV hookups for septic, electric and water plus shared internet. You would need to have a fully self contained RV, which means you have your own bathroom, kitchen, etc. We cannot have people sleeping in tents and we have no additional bathrooms. Happy to talk to folks who don’t have horsecare experience but please understand this means you’d be just volunteering and not paid. Feel free to email with questions, resume, and references. Prefer long term but short term may be ok also.
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Southern Belle Classic

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