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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

TD Angus - Annual Bull Sale

Pasture For Lease: Full care for up to 500 head of cow/calf pairs #192605
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Posted by: TNT FARMS [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1.25
City: Stockton [see other ads in this city]
State: Missouri [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: Stockton, MO
Carrying Capacity : 500
Pasture Fence Type: Barbed wire
Forage Type: fescue and native grass
Water Type: rivers, creeks and ponds
Date Available : 4/1/2025
Phone #: 417-225-0091

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Full care for up to 500 head of cow/calf pairs or 1000 head of feeder calves. Will provide pasture and all cattle care year round. Cattle owner will be responsible for all vaccines, mineral and hay. I have 25 plus years of experience and have been taking care of cattle for most of my life. Can provide references upon request.

Posted 01-25-25
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