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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

Horses For Sale: 2023 AQHA/APHA Filly Fast, Athletic Muti-Event Prospect #192312
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Posted by: LegacyHorseCompany [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $15,000.00
City: Dewey [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 05/01/2023
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Filly
Height: 14.1
Weight: 950
Color: Sorrel
Registered With: AQHA (APHA Eligibe)
Disciplines: Barrel Racing,Roping,Working Cowhorse,
Phone#: 307-331-9379

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“Nic Nac” is a 2 Year Old AQHA Filly (APHA Eligible) by Metallic Cattack and out of an own daughter of PC Frenchman’s Hayday.

This filly possesses the perfect blend of run and cow in her pedigree that make her a top contender for the timed and cowhorse events.

She is fast, catty, and athletic with a big natural stop. Currently stands 14.1 and should mature to around 15 hands.

Paid into Breeders Challenge, nominated for Riata and Ruby Buckle. She is also eligible for the Solo Select Stallion Incentive, NCHA, NRCHA, Royal Crown and APHA chrome cash.

6 panel negative and 100% sound. X-rays on file.

Located at

Legacy Horse Company in Dewey Arizona. Shipping available, trailer headed to TX Monday 1/20.

PM or text for Video.

Please call Johnny for more info (307)331-9379


Posted 01-15-25
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