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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: "Experienced Ranch Hand & Cattle Manager Seeking New Opportunity" #191151
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Posted by: Joeihamill2000 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Hanford [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 2 years
Exp. Yearlings: 2 years
Exp. FeedLot: 4 years
Exp. Horse: 15 years
Exp. Roping: 5 years
Exp. Doctoring: 4 years
Exp. Calving: 2 years
Exp. Haying: 0
Room And Board: yes
Phone#: 541-589-3814

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Experienced Ranch Hand Seeking Long-Term Opportunity

Seasoned ranch hand with experience in large-scale cattle management and horseback operations. Proficient in handling cattle efficiently and quietly on horseback, roping, doctoring,( tripping or head and heal), fence building, and basic equipment operation and maintenance. Skilled in working with a team or independently in remote environments.

Seeking a position that emphasizes horseback work as a primary responsibility. Open to learning farming techniques but prefers to focus on ranching rather than farming full-time.

willing to relocate with a family, including a wife, horses, and well-behaved dogs. Ideal opportunities would provide housing and ranch vehicles as part of the compensation package. Ready to contribute to the success of a ranch operation with dedication, hard work, and integrity.

Contact for references or more details.

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