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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Schaff Angus Valley

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 200 - 2 Year Old Black Angus/Black Baldy Cow Pairs - South Dakota SOLD #183483
Posted by: willranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $4,500.00
City: Buffalo [see other ads in this city]
State: South Dakota [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 200
Age Cows: 2 yr old’s
Weight Cows: 1175-1200
Sell Part or All: Truck load Qty or all
Phone #: 307-680-4595

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Lot CP604B

100% Calf Crop- 100% Bred- 100% Full care Maximizer Package!

Show me an investment in the cattle business with less risk than this deal, with this type of cattle, with this type of guarantee! Folks just study this type of deal out a little- Lock your calf crop in on an LRP or calf contract, you get a 100% crop of the calves at side, you get a 100% bred coming 3 yr old, you get full grass and full care till Oct.5th. I mean you cant do that good on your own operation.

These beauties will be bred to Broken Arrow Angus bulls to calve March 20th for 70 days( if you contract ASAP you can put your own bulls in-ya better hurry.) They will be ultrasound tested into 30 day cycles and marked prior to ship date this fall. The calves at side are sired by Broken Arrow and have had 2 rounds of Alpha 7, 2 rounds of Endovac, a Pinkeye shot, and Nasalgen PMH, they are tagged to match mothers. Seller provides full care along with grass for the summer and would like to ship the calves off by Oct 1st then the cows could go Oct 5th-10th. The facilities are fabulous to work out of, the pastures have pipeline and stock dams for watering and the grass availability is great this year. There would be 1 load of Reds available off this set also.

Contract now with 20% down and balance due prior to shipping Oct 1st.

Total Hd: 200

Cattle Breed: Black Angus/Black Baldy

Cattle Age: 2 yr old’s

Calving Date: 3/20/24-5/30/24

Bull Info: Broken Arrow Angus

Cow Weight: 1175-1200

Home Raised: Bought

Disposition: Gentle

Located near Buffalo, SD

Buy Now For $4500/hd

Don’t need the whole group? Call us about buying load lots!

Posted 06-05-24
1001 visitors have viewed this ad

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