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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Walters - Livestock Water and Ice Prevention Systems

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 124 - First Calf Pairs - Lemhi, Idaho SOLD #182152
Posted by: ConneXion [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3,900.00
City: Lemhi [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 124
Age Cows: 2 YOs (First Calf Pairs)
Weight Cows: 1100
Bred Back To: open
# of Calves at Side: 124
Breed Calves at Side: Mostly Angus, Some SimXs
Age Calves at Side: April-May born
Weight Calves at Side: 80-120
Sell Part or All: Sell in Loads
Phone #: (406) 381-2148

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(NOTE: Video has several age groups shown together. We encourage you to come to the ranch and take a look!)

2 Groups of 2-year-old, First-Calf pairs from Lemhi, Idaho, ready to ship in early June:

Group 1: 88 are 100% Black Angus cows with calves born between April 1 and May 20. The cows were originally purchased as calves from two northern ranches and then developed at Rick Taylor’s yard in Stevensville, Montana. About 95% of them originate from the Arrowhead Ranch, a reputation ranch with a quality cow herd.

Group 2: 36 Pairs, Most of the cows are Black Angus and some have some SaleerX in them and 3-4 are reds. Calves are Sim cross and born in April. They have some Saler cross to make a nice hybrid cow. Saleer blood has a reputation but the Saleer breed was seen as a way to improve American beef cows in the 70s, with the breed’s attributes of calving ease, maternal efficiency, hardiness, fertility, longevity, and ability to adapt to various environments and management conditions. And I’m sure you can agree that we need more of that back in the herd today!

The cows are estimated to mature at around 1350-1400 lbs, providing a solid cow suited for most commercial programs. They have been fed top-quality second-cutting alfalfa, carrying good flesh and condition. The calves will be born over a +/- 50-day window, from April 1 to May 20, on good, dry ground, ensuring limited health issues.

Each calf is tagged to match its mother, and they receive 8-way and Multi-min shots to promote robust health. Additionally, bull calves are banded, and none of the calves are branded. The sires of the calves are sons of notable Angus Programs, including Stevenson Turning Point, Sitz Stellar 726, SAV RainFall, Sitz Alpine, Coleman Bravo 6313, and Coleman Charlo 0256, providing a strong genetic lineage.

When buying pairs directly from a ranch, you avoid the hassle of and risk of calving heifers (No one likes to do it!). The pairs are taken straight from pasture at their home ranch and delivered to grass on your ranch, minimizing stress and health risks. AND Because they’re shipped in early June, there’s little work for you—just put them out on grass and let them grow over the summer.

These 2-year-old heifers were developed on good feed, and have the entirety of their productive years are ahead of them! With quality Black Angus foundation genetics, they’re ready to roll right into your breeding program. If you want to add reliable, low-maintenance cow factories to your herd, these pairs are a great choice!

Priced at $3,900 per pair, an opportunity to add quality to your herd. Ideally would like to sell as 1 lot but could possibly sell in 44 head truck loads. If you’re interested in learning more or would like to come look at the pairs, please call or text Rick Taylor - (406) 381-2148

Pairs shipping a long distance will be loaded in the evening so they are only off their mothers overnight and pair up easier the next day.

Posted 05-04-24
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