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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Walters - Livestock Water and Ice Prevention Systems

Cows for Sale: Bred Registered Texas Longhorns - California #181264
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Posted by: swestmoore [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3800 - $3900
City: Ione [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Registered Texas Longhorns
Number for Sale: 3
Age: 3-5 years
Avg. Weight: 1200
Frame: big
Bred To: pedigreed bulls
Vaccinations: yes
Horns: wide lateral
Sell Part or All: Part or all
Phone #: 209-274-9917

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Purebred registered award winning Texas Longhorns from historic Longhorn ranch in Northern California.

For more information, please call (209) 274-9917 or email or visit

1) Westhaven Charro Touche is a bred 5 year old proven cow, daughter of a World champion bull and has huge lateral horns to compliment her deep parker brown coloring. Easy to handle, exposed to Gold Ticket - $3900

2)Westhaven MaryPrairie is a young 3 year old bred cow, working on her second calf. She throws black and white. She is spectacularly marked and her black horns will continue to grow for 5 more years. She is quiet and easy to work. $3900

3) Westhaven Clear Mist is a young bred cow with 4 more years of horn growth ahead. She passes on her unique butterscotch coloring and long smooth build. A Clear Win grand daughter, she produces big beautiful calves without fuss. $3800

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