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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Fall Round Up Horse Sale

Ranches For Sale: 239 Head - USFS Allotment - Drought Proof - Idaho SOLD #179742
Posted by: [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $400,000 + $3600/pair
City: High Valley [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Carrying Capacity Cows: 239
Total Acres: Over 10,000 USFS + over 13,000 private lease
Deeded Acres: 0
Forest Service Lease Acres: Over 10,000
Phone #: 208-398-0055

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Beautiful, accessible , USFS allotment 239 AUMs

Elevation 4000-6500 ft

Endless water and feed

Not shared

Cows turn out June 15 and come home when the snow falls in late October (technically Sept 30th on paper).

Cows and replacement heifers know the allotment

Additional private lease with up to 150 additional AUMs on

over 13,000 additional acres could go with this allotment if desired,

Cows currently run on both

This is once in a lifetime opportunity!

Posted 03-11-24
5919 visitors have viewed this ad

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