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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

Horses For Sale: Reg AQHA Mare Safe in Foal to Ap Draft Stud SOLD #177594
Posted by: Birddog Cattle Co [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3000
City: Bronte [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: April 08, 2011
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Mare
Height: 15
Weight: 1100
Color: Sorrel
Registered With: American Quarter Horse
Disciplines: Breeding,
Phone#: 325-660-6488

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Punkins Precious Appendix AQHA 2011 sorrel mare safe in foal to Into the Void SDHR # G4-88-1404001 due this spring.

This mare is a good momma and has produced several colts through the years. She was used around the ranch for several years before we started breeding her.

FMI on draft stud go to

Posted 01-23-24
Patriot John
Precious Punkin
919 visitors have viewed this ad

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