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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cows for Sale: 92 - Corriente Cows SOLD #172396
Posted by: kcgrazier [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1,000 per head
City: Pineville [see other ads in this city]
State: Louisiana [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Corriente
Number for Sale: 92
Age: 3-10
Avg. Weight: 850
Frame: ?
Bred To: Heat Tolerant Angus
Vaccinations: None
Horns: Yes
Sell Part or All: Yes
Phone #: 801-564-7336

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We have 92 corriente cows for sale. They vary in age, but are mostly middle aged cows.

Great heat tolerance. We have had one of the hottest summers on record and these cows haven’t skipped a beat. We have owned them for 2 years and haven’t treated a single cow or calf in the herd for health issues. We have had over 90% weaning rate both years and haven’t had to assist in any way with calving.

Very calm gentle cows. Broke to electric fence. Trained to follow when called to. Easy to work with.

They currently are raising calves from heat tolerant angus bulls and have had the same bulls with them since July 7. They will calve April 15th.

Call 801-564-7336 for more info.

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