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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Johnson Cattle Marketing - Adam / Triple S Ranches Partnership Complete Dispersal Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: SOLD - AKC ACD Heeler pup - Male SOLD #172239
Posted by: borderplaines [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 800.00
City: Lehigh [see other ads in this city]
State: Iowa [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Heelers Red/Blue
Age: DOB: 8.21
Sex: female
Temperment: Social and outgoing
Size: medium
Phone #: 5155704175

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One pup left out of this super fancy litter. Blue male - very outgoing and friendly. Loves attention.

These good pups are out of foundation backed dogs from some of the breeds most influential contributors: CH Duwest Dewey Bubba Blue HSAs, Aust Grand CH Kombinalong Superoctane, CH Woodags Milton Away PT CGC, CH Castle Butte Six Pac T’Go CD HSAs CGC, CH Kylie’s Speaking In Tongues HIAs HSAc ATDs STDcd HRDIIs. DC Rewuri Blue Bogong CD VQW, Buzzards Let’em Rip.

Will be true to breed integrity; gritty, intelligent, athletic, with talent to burn and can-do work ethic and family-loving dispositions.

Please contact us for more information. We own parents and grandparents, as well as great-grandparents now passed. 45+ years with Heelers and these pups represent our devotion to the breed.

Limited AKC Registration - full registration may be considered upon agreement, private treaty. Up-to-date on age-appropriate vacs and de-worming. pra/pll obligate clear.

Will be ready for new homes at 8 weeks of age; 10.16.23

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