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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Walters - Livestock Water and Ice Prevention Systems

Cows for Sale: 4 - Bred Registered Angus Cows - California SOLD #172177
Posted by: Malloryp96 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $2,750.00
City: Montague [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Angus
Number for Sale: 4
Age: 3-7
Avg. Weight: 1450
Frame: 5.5
Bred To: Registered Angus Bulls
Vaccinations: Yes
Horns: No
Sell Part or All: All or Part
Phone #: 530-643-2393

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4 Registered Angus Cows. 3 are bred back to registered angus bulls for a registered 2024 calf, 1 is open but reproductively sound. Cows were bred one time AI to Square B Atlantis and then cleaned up with our bull SAV Blood Type 1838.

7226, 6524, and 15 are confirmed bred (via palpation by vet) to calve starting the 29th of Feb. Cows 15 and 7226 are likely AI bred, but calf will need to be DNA verified.

We have some progeny out of these matings from last year that you are welcome to look at. All cows are excellent mothers, we are just going to focus on different cow families. 15 is about as docile as a puppy dog and has a recently weaned heifer calf that could also sell if someone was interested.

Asking 3000 each for the breds or 2750 each if you take all 3.

Asking 2000 for H011

Feel free to contact us to come look at them or ask for more info.

Posted 09-19-23
1247 visitors have viewed this ad

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