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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Bred Heifers for Sale: 12 - Open Commercial Black Angus Heifers - California SOLD #172176
Posted by: Malloryp96 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1750
City: Montague [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 12
Age : 8 months
Weight: 750-800
Frame: 5.5
Vaccinations: Bangs, Foothill, Bovashield, injection wormer
Horns: No
Bred To: N/A
Start Calving: N/A
Sell Part or All: Take one or All
Phone #: 530-643-2393

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12 Commercial Angus Heifers

11 solid black and 1 black baldy. The majority are sired by SAV Rainfall and the rest are sired by a son of SAV Bloodline. One is sired by a son of Sitz Stellar.

They were born in February and March of 2023. These girls have been developed on pasture and weaned at 650-700lbs (205 day weights) This set is home raised and comes out of our very best commercial cows that were culled heavily for fertility. Videos are available upon request.

No brands! Scheduled to get Bangs and Foothill Vaccines Dec. 8th. Located in Siskiyou County CA. Asking $1750 each if you take all 12. $1850 if you only need a couple.

Contact Conner at 530-643-2393 or Mallory at 530-925-9976 for more info.

Posted 09-19-23
1875 visitors have viewed this ad

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