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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

For Sale: Spanish Nannies SOLD #169127
Posted by: mrasmussen [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $300.00
City: Tremonton [see other ads in this city]
State: Utah [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 435-279-0577

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Located in Tremonton, Utah

Asking 300$ a head

Career changes in the family is forcing me to downsize 120-140 head. My wife is traveling a substantial amount and I can’t keep up with it all.

These Nannies are primarily Spanish with a few Spanish Boer crosses. A lot of these Nannies come from Smoke Ridge genetics. Good, hardy, working type Nannies. About a 1/3 of them are younger then two. Overall a pretty young herd. These girls have been ran pretty hands off. They have also been managed anyway you can imagine.

We have used them for weed control, we have rotated them on pastures, they have been ran with a herder. They wintered until march out on an overgrown pivot, picking throw snow up until March when I brought them home. They were not supplemented hay until then when I started getting ready to kid.

Have been ran with guard dogs and also herding dogs. These goats will load up in a trailer on a fence line with me and a single good dog. We don’t set up portable corrals. We load right in to a trailer and haul them or work them.

We just went through and worked them. Had a wormer, and pour on. They are up to date on worming and CD&T as of end of April. I ran some mineral panels with Texas A and M making sure our mineral program was not faulting anything this spring and have those as well if interested. We were happy with the results and we’re not deficient in anything. There are a few late April/May kids on them but will be weened off shortly.

These are some workers!

Posted 07-19-23
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