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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

For Sale: Dorper Ewes for Sale (Rams also available) SOLD #167267
Posted by: SageAskin [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $285-$375
City: Torrington [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 307-351-4875

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Askin Land and Livestock is proud to represent 700 high quality dorper ewes for sale. These females have all raised a lamb in the previous year, are good uddered and full mouthed. These are hardy, with excellent feet and legs, (we do not trim hooves,) and excellent maternal traits. These are available at any quantity, trained to electric net wire, herd broke, gentle and productive females who regularly winter out on range in our bleak Wyoming winters.

Below are the different classes and prices:

Mature Dorper and Katadhin Rams: $600

Ewes Dry(Weaned early spring lamb):$285

Ewes bred: Call for pricing

Ewes with lambs at side: Call for Pricing

Ewe lambs:$270 each

All available in truck load lots or smaller quantities!

Please text or call me for more information!
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