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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Stormy Kromer Original Kromer Cap - Winter Wool Hat with Earflap

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 44 - Cow Calf Pairs - Idaho SOLD #166624
Posted by: williamskl [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Contact for Price
City: Pocatello [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 44 pair
Age Cows: 8, 7 5,4,3
Weight Cows: 1300-1400
Bred Back To: open, ready for bulls
# of Calves at Side: 44
Breed Calves at Side: angus
Age Calves at Side: 2-3 months
Sell Part or All: all
Phone #: 208-237-3859
44 pair of mostly angus cows and calves. Calves are from mostly Riverbend bulls.

Calves are branded and vaccinated. Cows have been regulary vaccinated and have recently received MultiMin in preparation for breeding. about 85 percent of the calves were born in March. All but one in March and April. Last fall at preg testing, 100% of the herd were pregnant. This is a herd dispersion, not a cull. Steer calves from these cows averaged 735 and heifers 685 last weaning.

Posted 05-24-23

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