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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Schaff Angus Valley

Cows for Sale: 20 - 4 yr old’s Black Angus/Black Baldy Bred Cows - Wyoming SOLD #157206
Posted by: willranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $2,000.00
City: Sundance [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Black Angus/Black Baldy
Number for Sale: 20
Age: 4 yr old’s
Avg. Weight: 1200-1250
Bred To: Mrnak Hereford Bulls
Vaccinations: 7-way in spring and poured with Ivermec
Sell Part or All: Truck load Qty or all
Phone #: 307-680-4595

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Lot BC1014E

Blacks/Baldies Bred Mrnak Hereford

Total Hd: 20

Cattle Breed: Black Angus/Black Baldy

Cattle Age: 4 yr old’s

Calving Date: Feb. 20th-March 30th

Bull Info: Mrnak Hereford Bulls

Disposition: Very Gentle

Home Raised: Bought

Cow Weight: 1200-1250

A rare find here- 20 hd of coming 4yr old’s bred back to Hereford bulls. These girls are Wyoming natives off the Whalen program and developed just up the hill. Calving Feb 20th for 60 days, most tested in the 1st 21 day cycle at ultrasound time on Oct. 6th. They had the prebreeding shots and poured last spring, just weaning a beautiful set of babies as you can see in the picture and they will be the same daddy for next years crop. A real gentle, easy keeping set of young cows.

Located Near Sundance, Wy

Buy Now For $2,000/hd

Posted 10-15-22
1181 visitors have viewed this ad

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