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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 63 hd of Red Angus & Red Baldy & Few Black Angus 2-4 yr old Pairs - Wyoming SOLD #151050
Posted by: willranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Buy Now for $2100/Pair
City: Moorcroft [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 63
Age Cows: 20-2’s, 43-(3-4) yr old’s
Weight Cows: 1085
# of Calves at Side: 63
Breed Calves at Side: Red Angus & Red Baldy
Age Calves at Side: May
Sell Part or All: Truck Load Qty or all
Phone #: (307) 680-4595

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Lot CP606B

Total Hd: 63

Cattle Breed: Red Angus & Red Baldy & Few Black Angus

Cattle Age: 20-2’s, 43-(3-4) yr old’s

Calving Date: May

Bull Info: Sired By Pharo and Finke Bulls

Disposition: Very Gentle

Home Raised: Boughten

Cow Weight: 1085

Red on Red!

A nice load of 3-4 yr old’s along with a partial of 2 yr old’s. A real medium frame set of little Red Angus young cows with Red Angus, May born calves at side, these calves are sired by Pharo or Finke Red Angus bulls. Cows had the scourguard 4Kc in the spring, calves have had the Ultraback 7 at birth and tagged to match mothers. These sweethearts were bought off a total ranch dispersal, calved out and are ready for green pasture. All one iron off the same original ranch.

Buy Now for $2100/Pair

Located Near Moorcroft, Wyoming
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