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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

BigIron Livestock - Ranch Horse Classic

Saddles for Sale: Brooks Saddlery, Oregon Custom Saddle SOLD #143113
Posted by: JDMSpursnMore [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Good
Price: 2000.00
City: Dove Creek [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Maker: Brooks Sadlery
Style: Wade
Seat Size: 16
New or Used: Used
Phone #: 9702091459

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Nice custom handmade saddle from Oregon. Made by Brooks Saddlery; 3/4 single rig, Wade tree, 16" seat with reversible leather/stingray hide bucking rolls. Has sterling silver conchos, horn cap, and custom engraved cross on the back of the cantle. Nice horsehair cinch, shoo-fly, rawhide wrapped oxbow stirrups. Saddle has been used but is in good condition, broke in and ready to go. Saddle has a brand on the fenders just above the stirrups.

We accept Paypal, credit card payment, cashier’s check, money order, and personal check (will hold shipment until personal check clears). Payment within 7 days please.

Call or text 970-209-1459 or email

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