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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Stocker Calves for Sale: 6 - 2020 Red Angus Calves - Wyoming SOLD #127120
Posted by: Rcrowley [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $850.00
City: Gillette [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 6
Avg. Weight: 525-575
Frame: medium
Vaccinations: yes
Implanted: no
Delivery Date: now
Sell Part or All: all
Phone #: 307-670-5062

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We have 6 of this years heifer calves for sale. We used quiet wean tags for 14 days then weaned them from mothers. They have been Bangs vaccinated and preconditioned. I have all the records for birth weights, birth dates and background. Nice little set of heifers! Im guessing they will weigh 525-575. This year marks year 5 for 100% coverage on bull breeding including first calf heifers and breed back heifers. Great lineage, they all come from Red Fork Red Angus out of Kaycee WY. I have multiple 13-15 year old mother cows that are bred back again.

Posted 10-15-20
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