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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Cows for Sale: 69 - 3-6 Year Old Red Angus Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC712A Red Angus/ Fall Calving/ 3-6 yr olds! Study this group a moment- Pretty uniform set...
$2,175/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 75 - 3-6 Year Old Mixed Breed Bred Cows - North Dakota   SOLD
Lot BC711D 3-6 yr old/ Winter calving cows! 2 loads of 3-6 yr old cows, 60 hd are Blk/Bwf and 15...
$2,175/hd   Video
Bred Heifers for Sale: 42 - 2 Year Old Red Angus Bred Heifers - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BH711C April calving Red Angus heifers bred Red Angus! Nice Red Angus coming 2 yr heifers that...
$2,485/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 55 - 3-5 Year Old Red Angus/Red Baldy/Hereford Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC711B Fall Calving 3-4-5 yr olds/ Reds & Hereford bred Blk! Sweet load of young cows that...
$2,175/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 296 - 3-6 Year Old Mixed Breed Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC711A Fall Calving/ 3-6 yr olds! 2 big groups of nice young cows that are all fall calving...
$2,285/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 90 hd 4-7 Year Old Black Angus Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC710A 4-7 yr old/ Blacks-Bred to Topp Hereford/ Calve April 10th 42 days! Sweet package of...
$2,575/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 90 - 3 Year Old Black Baldy Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC710B 3 yr olds/ Ai’d to Commador/ March 21st calving! You looking for 2 nice loads of young...
$2,750/hd   Video
Cows for Sale: 45 - 3 Year Old Black Baldy Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC710C 3 yr olds/bred Ellingson Angus/Calve March 31st 21 days! Here is a nice load of young...
$2,700.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 90 - Solids, Short Solids, Broken & Short Term Black Angus/Black Baldy Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC710D Solid/Short Term bred cows- Calve April 10th 42 days 2 nice loads of good using ranch...
$2,225/hd   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 41 - 2-3-4 Black Angus/Black Baldy/Red Baldy Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP525A Take the younger-Take the older-or all! April/May calves Here is a sweet package of...
$2,855.00   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 105 - 6-12 yr old Black Angus/Black Baldy Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP523A Running Age Pairs- March/April calves Good useable set of running age cows with nice...
$2,475.00   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 70 - 2-4 Year Old Black Angus/Black Baldy Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP522C 2-3-4 yr old March/April Pairs! 2 nice loads of a very nice set of moderate to medium...
$2,900.00   Video
Bred Heifers for Sale: 200 -1 yr old Black Angus/Black Baldy Bred Heifers - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BH522B Feb 15th calving- AI’d and Bull bred to Ellingson Angus! Contract a load or all- Fancy...
$2,675.00   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 203 - 2-12 yr old Blakc Angus/Black Baldy Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP522A Complete Dispersion of Angus Pairs! Folks- what an opportunity here. This is a total...
$2,665.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 35 - 3-8 yr old Black Angus Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC427D 3-8 yr old-June/July calvers! True set of June/July calving , mix age cows. This has...
$2,010.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 34 - 2-10 yr old Black Angus Bred Cows - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC426A Mix age Commercial cows out of Registered Herd! May-June calving Big broody set of fancy...
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 45 - 2-4 yr old Red Angus Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP420D Program Pairs- Ressler Red Angus Genetics! Outstanding set of 2-3-4 yr olds that originated...
$3,100.00   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 45 hd 2-4 yr old Red Angus Cow Pairs-North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP420D Program Pairs- Ressler Red Angus Genetics! Outstanding set of 2-3-4 yr olds that originated...
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 125 - 6-9 yr old Black Angus/Black Baldy Cow Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot CP420C Running Age Pairs! 3 nice loads of 6-9 yr old, running age cows with good Black and...
$2,475.00   Video
Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 130 - 2 yr old Black Angus/Black Baldy Heifer Pairs - North Dakota  SOLD
Lot HP420B A Real Golden Nugget Here! Golden nuggets and rare gems are hard to find but look at...
$3,000.00   Video
Cows for Sale: 99 hd 3 yr old Black Angus/Black Baldy Bred Cows-North Dakota  SOLD
Lot BC315B 3 yr old Dispersion- April 4th 60 Days! Long, hard winter along with lost pasture lease...
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