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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

For Sale: 150 - Katahdin/Dorper Commercial Ewe Lambs - Wyoming SOLD #83522
Posted by: blue80 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $250.00
City: Lovell [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 307-254-2582

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150 of our 2017 replacement ewe lamb crop are for sale. They birthed on pasture in Northern Wyoming in late February 2017, ran on high elevation range all summer, and are finishing grazing cover crops and irrigated stockpiled pasture this fall. No grain or byproducts. They are running with Katahdin bucks for Feb. 20 lambs. We run basically a closed flock except a few new rams for 6 years, and work towards low input rumen developed genetics. If they don’t maintain body score and breed up on 9% protein forage, they are culled. We don’t routinely vaccinate, worm, dock tails, shear, or trim feet on our running age herd, but rotate pastures often, and concentrate on low stress. 2016 ewe lambs sold reported to wean 120% lambing on pasture, our ewes marketed 154% pasture lambing this year. This herd is ’no feedlot’ ’no roof on their head’ Options for sale include: Gate cut $250.00 each asap delivery or we will pull bucks and blood pregnancy test 100 of the top end lambs for $310.00 each Jan. 5 delivery. Alternately we are happy to sell blood test open ewe lambs for a later lambing window and use your own bucks. For reference, youtube Video yellow tags are running age ewes katahdin and dorper influence and right scrapie tags are the ewe lambs available. Thanks for the opportunity.

Posted 11-19-17
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