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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Bulls for sale: 1 - Polled Beefmaster Herdsire - Texas SOLD #78776
Posted by: edannhaus [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $2,000.00
City: Brenham [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Beefmaster
Number for Sale: 1
Age: 6 years
Weight: 2000 poinds
Birth Weight: 77
Condition: Stocky
Vaccinations: Ivomec, spur 8, IBR
Horns: Polled
Sell Part or All: All
Phone #: 979-530-7016

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Outstanding polled herd sire that has produced outstanding offspring. Purchased this bull as a young 13 month Collier bull. Since most of my herd is an offspring of this bull I will have to retire him as much as I hate to. His BBU registration number is C1010277. His heifer calves have all been polled and about 75% of his bull calves are polled. His calves are low birthweight and finish out very well. I am obviously trying to keep from sending him to the sale barn. I am asking $2000,00 . You can keep him for 2-3 years and get you money back. I am attaching a picture of one of his offspring.

Posted 08-02-17
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