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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Horses For Sale: Rip sorrel ranch horse SOLD #144448
Posted by: [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $10,000.00
City: Winnsboro [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Date Foaled: 2015
Breed: Quarter Horse
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.1 hands
Weight: 1200 lbs
Color: Sorrel
Registered With: Grade
Disciplines: Ranch Horse,Trail Riding,
Phone#: 903/474/1266

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Rip is a 7 yr old sorrel ranch horse that is 15.1 hands , 1200 lbs and broke to death. Used last few years in a grow yard and wheat pastures tending yearlings . He will not get outran by any bovine anywheres, super stout by the saddle horn, will sure whack a cow on a loose rein, good on the gates and never gets rattled. Drag hogs outta the bottom with him, shoot a gun Rip don’t care. Excellent all around ranch horse.

Gentle for anyone. Will not get you in a bind when the going gets tough.

Sound in every way!

Good to shoe!

No trades’

Cash only!

Shipping can be arranged to your place!

Randy Millsap 903/474/1266
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