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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Stormy Kromer Original Kromer Cap - Winter Wool Hat with Earflap

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 16 - Registered Longhorn Pairs - Cowboy Tuff Chex - Texas Bloodline SOLD #122203
Posted by: glredmanii [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1,500.00
City: Ector [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 16
Age Cows: 3
Weight Cows: 750
Bred Back To: GLR Tall Texas
# of Calves at Side: 1
Breed Calves at Side: 0
Age Calves at Side: 4-6m
Weight Calves at Side: 100
Sell Part or All: yes
Phone #: 214-274-0837

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The sire to the calves is GLR Tall Texas. Tall Texas is the large bull in the first photo. He is gentle. He is HUGE. He is very productive. And, he is from the best bloodline, he’s the son of Cowboy Casanova, brother to Cowboy Tuff Chex, who in Guinness Book of World record for bull horn length.

All the calves are from Tall Texas. The calves have not been named yet, so the buyer can name them for registration purposes. These are all young cows with their first calf. Well taken care of! Great, healthy cattle!

$1500 per pair or will make a package deal for all of them. Feel free to call or text me.

No. 7 Jersey Girl DOB 5/3/17 Heifer Calf DOB 4/5/20

No. 13 Marilynn Monroe DOB 6/15/17 Heifer Calf DOB 11/12/19

No. 14 Ghost Buster DOB 6/17/17 Bull Calf DOB 12/25/19

No. 18 White Lightening DOB 9/9/17 Bull Calf DOB 2/7/20

No. 19 Nater Tater DOB 7/2/17 Bull Calf DOB 3/18/19

No. 22 Lady Rae DOB Heifer Calf DOB 12/20/19

No. 24 Smoking Genie DOB 7/22/17 Calf DOB 1/12/20

No. 25 Cara Belle DOB Heifer Calf 2/28/20

Posted 06-11-20
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